Labor Day update

Dear Neighbors,

About one year ago, many of you joined me in an effort to see what we could do, as members, to help restore several aspects of Cranberry Hill’s governance that had fallen by the wayside during the pandemic.

Our HOA’s regular meeting schedule has now resumed, and in July 2022 the Board published draft fiscal year financial statements for the missing years in our sequence. The Board put some effort into this, and I appreciate it. The member engagement we experienced throughout this process is a sign of a healthy community.

The final 2018-2021 fiscal year financial statements were circulated by the Board to all homeowners on September 3, 2022 and are linked from the Governance page of this website under the CHI Financial Reporting section. Cranberry HIll’s 38-year practice of providing financial statements has been restored!

Going forward, I believe there is a discussion still to be had about how we can better document our HOA’s governance and financial reporting practices and refine our overall mission statement. Because we are a voluntary HOA, I think that a minimalist mission statement and clear limitations on Board authority are the best way to attract volunteers to serve on the Board and maintain homeowner buy-in.

I know that not everyone agrees with me. But it is not a topic we can delegate to our Board. Everyone should have the opportunity to shape the discussion. I am happy to do whatever I can to help.

Now, focus turns to the upcoming beach access project and related parking lot reconfiguration. The construction timeline outlined by the Board is summarized in the previous blog post. I look forward to receiving the Board’s ongoing updates, and hope that all of us continue to give them our patience and support as they undertake this difficult task on our collective behalf.

We are all truly lucky to live in such a beautiful place!



First construction images


Construction update!